I had to take a day off living :'D

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JuKii's avatar

though I don't feel it at all. It's like even though I don't have anything to work on, no projects, no exams, I feel like I'm wasting time anyway??? Because I could ALWAYS do something better, more productive, more creative, more educational. I've stopped being ambitious a long time ago so why is it still a thing in my head? It makes me feel bad to just sit and stare at a screen watching a movie, but instead I would do literally nothing like browsing the web and looking at memes, which isn't better than that at all. It's similar with drawing - I feel that I should draw more but if I force myself, nothing good comes out. Darn it brain, gimme a break .-.

- I've finished Owlboy though. I need to go back and make it 100% because I know there's more stuff to uncover. (guys you should play it, it's soooo gooood)
- I'll share my last game project here as soon as I get it to work properly on the web (I messed up some files and now it's a glitch fest)
- I'm gonna get back to the folks I promised some ATs!! very soon!! 

skin by neurotype-on-discord
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Stray-Soul's avatar
Odpoczynek to nie marnowanie czasu, to zwiększanie produktywności w przyszłości! :) Każdy odrobinę chociaż ogarnięty manager wie że praca na 100% oznacza że za miesiąc-dwa-trzy będzie potrzebne chorobowe, bo ktoś po prostu nie wyrobi. I tak, wiem coś o tym bo sam jestem prachoholikem :)